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Version: 2.2.0

Trigger Blocks

Trigger blocks are critical for your workflows. You can choose a Trigger Event inside a trigger block to set the workflow in motion.

There are two types of trigger blocks that can be used:

App Triggers

App triggers are connected to third party apps you use. You will need to authenticate your existing accounts in order to use them as part of your workflows. When the event you selected occurs in the desired app, the app trigger will kick off your workflow.

Utility Triggers

Utility triggers such as manual and timed triggers are designated as “utility” because they are not tied to any third party apps. There are currently 4 types of Utility Triggers:

Email Read Trigger

This trigger is set off when an email is opened with a read receipt attached.

Manual Workflow

This trigger will be used when you want to create a manual workflow, meaning that you will need to run it yourself whenever you wish for it to be run.

Schedule Workflow

This trigger can be used to start your workflow at a particular time. It can b e set for every hour, every day, every week, every month, or you can personalize it by choosing your own. Fill out the time of day that you want for the workflow to be run and your schedule will be complete.


This is meant for when to start your workflow when a webhook is initiated. Whether it is a webhook basic authentication, webhook header authentication, or no authentication at all, the workflow will begin when the webhook is invoked.