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Version: 4.0.0


User Methods

The user methods make it easy to create, update, find, and delete users in Alloy Embedded.

Create a User

Verifies the functionality of creating a user through the createUser method. It sends a request to the server with a unique username, and upon success, the user ID is stored for subsequent tests.

let body = {
username: `user123`,
const apiClient = new Embedded('YOUR_API_KEY');

await apiClient.User.createUser(body);

Update a User

Ensures the ability to update user details using the updateUser method. It first identifies the user by setting the user ID and then sends a request to update the user's full name.

const apiClient = new Embedded('YOUR_API_KEY');
await apiClient.identify('userId');

let body = {
fullName: `user123`,

await apiClient.User.updateUser(body);

Get a User

Checks the functionality of retrieving user information with the getUser method. After identifying the user, it sends a request to the server to get the user's details.

const apiClient = new Embedded('YOUR_API_KEY');
await apiClient.identify('userId');

await apiClient.User.getUser();

List All Users

Verifies the ability to retrieve a list of all users, using the listUsers method after identifying the user. The server responds with a list of users, and the test ensures the expected properties are present.

const apiClient = new Embedded('YOUR_API_KEY');
await apiClient.identify('userId');

await apiClient.User.listUsers();

Batch Create Users

Validates the batch creation of users through the createBatchUsers method. After identifying the user, it sends a request to the server with a batch of user data and expects a success message in response.

const apiClient = new Embedded('YOUR_API_KEY');
await apiClient.identify('userId');

let batchData = {
users: [
{ username: `user123`, fullName: 'Joe Smoe' },
{ username: `user123` },
{ username: `user123`, fullName: 'Jane Doe' },

await apiClient.User.createBatchUsers(batchData);

Delete a User

Verifies the functionality of deleting a user using the deleteUser method. After identifying the user, it sends a request to the server to delete the user account.

const apiClient = new Embedded('YOUR_API_KEY');
await apiClient.identify('userId');

await apiClient.User.deleteUser();