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Version: 5.0.0

Handling Output Data


In the Embedded workflow builder, each block has output data that enables variables to be mapped from one block another. Output data is sourced one of three ways:

  1. By making a call to the API you're interacting with an pulling live data from your account.
  2. Using a payload obtained from the third-party's documentation site when the required resource is inaccessible (ex. the data doesn't exist in your account or the API doesn't make the data available via API).
  3. Using a custom payload defined by you

Below, we'll walk through an example of each and show you what you can do with your output data.

Understanding output data sources

Most of the time, you'll be interacting with sample data that's sourced from the credentials that you've added to Embedded. When that's not possible, Embedded uses a payload that's defined by the third-party app's documentation.

Even then, data from your account may not always be available. For example, you may not have access to an account with valid credentials, the specified resource may not yet exist in the credential, or the API may not provide access to the get the data structure of the resource programmatically.

However, even with options to select data sourced from your account or the app documentation, there may still be instances in which they do not accurately represent data that you may encounter in production executions. If this is the case, you can edit the output data exactly to your requirements.

How to use output data in subsequent blocks

Output data from one block defines the variable selector of subsequent blocks. You are able to select variables at any level of the JSON or the output over in it's entirety.