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Version: 5.0.0

Workflows Class Documentation


The Workflows SDK provides functionality for managing workflows, including listing workflows, retrieving workflow details, listing versions of a workflow, activating, deactivating, upgrading, and deleting workflows.

Set User ID

Set the user ID for the Workflows SDK instance.

from alloy_python.embedded import Embedded

# Initialize the Embedded SDK with your API key
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
embedded = Embedded(api_key)

# Set the user ID for the Workflows SDK instance
user_id = "user123"

List Workflows

Retrieve a list of all workflows associated with the user.

from alloy_python.embedded import Embedded

# Initialize the Embedded SDK with your API key
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
embedded = Embedded(api_key)

# Retrieve a list of all workflows
workflow_list = embedded.Workflows.list()

List Workflow Versions

Retrieve a list of versions for a specific workflow.

from alloy_python.embedded import Embedded

# Initialize the Embedded SDK with your API key
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
embedded = Embedded(api_key)

# Set the user ID for which you want to list workflow versions
user_id = "user123"

# Workflow ID for which to list versions
workflow_id = "workflow123"
version_list = embedded.Workflows.list_versions(workflow_id)

Get Workflow

Retrieve detailed information for a specific workflow.

from alloy_python.embedded import Embedded

# Initialize the Embedded SDK with your API key
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
embedded = Embedded(api_key)

# Set the user ID for which you want to retrieve workflow details
user_id = "user123"

# Workflow ID for which to retrieve details
workflow_id = "workflow123"
workflow_info = embedded.Workflows.get(workflow_id)

Deactivate All Workflows

Deactivate all workflows associated with the user.

from alloy_python.embedded import Embedded

# Initialize the Embedded SDK with your API key
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
embedded = Embedded(api_key)

# Deactivate all workflows
deactivation_result = embedded.Workflows.deactivate_all()

Activate Workflow

Activate a specific workflow.

from alloy_python.embedded import Embedded

# Initialize the Embedded SDK with your API key
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
embedded = Embedded(api_key)

# Workflow ID to activate
workflow_id = "workflow123"
activation_result = embedded.Workflows.activate(workflow_id)

Deactivate Workflow

Deactivate a specific workflow.

from alloy_python.embedded import Embedded

# Initialize the Embedded SDK with your API key
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
embedded = Embedded(api_key)

# Workflow ID to deactivate
workflow_id = "workflow123"
deactivation_result = embedded.Workflows.deactivate(workflow_id)

Upgrade Workflow

Upgrade a specific workflow to the latest version.

from alloy_python.embedded import Embedded

# Initialize the Embedded SDK with your API key
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
embedded = Embedded(api_key)

# Workflow ID to upgrade
workflow_id = "workflow123"
upgrade_result = embedded.Workflows.upgrade(workflow_id)

Delete Workflow

Delete a specific workflow.

from alloy_python.embedded import Embedded

# Initialize the Embedded SDK with your API key
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
embedded = Embedded(api_key)

# Workflow ID to delete
workflow_id = "workflow123"
deletion_result = embedded.Workflows.delete(workflow_id)

Delete a specific workflow.

workflow_id = "workflow123"
deletion_result = embedded.Workflows.delete(workflow_id)