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Version: 5.0.0

Rate Limits


Rate limits are always important to consider when implementing a Third Party API. In this article, we'll take a look at how Alloy Embedded handles rate limits.

Alloy Embedded API Rate Limits

By default, the Alloy Embedded API supports a 120 API call per minute per workflow rate limit for invoking events via the POST Run Event endpoint. If you require a higher rate limit, please contact our sales team.

Third Party Rate Limits

Each Third Party App supports unique rate limits. Alloy Embedded handles all rate limiting logic and has an advanced retry mechanism with an exponential back off and jitter. You never need to worry about Third Party App rate limits with Alloy Embedded – we handle it for you.

Wrapping Up

In this article, we took a look at how Alloy Embedded handles rate limits for our own API and Third Party App APIs.