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Version: 5.0.0

Expense Management

In this guide, we'll look at how to get the data you need to build an expense management feature.

Use Case Overview

As a Fintech, Neobank, or expense card provider, when building an expense management app or feature, you need access to a company's recorded expenses. With Alloy, you can build integrations with any accounting software businesses use today, providing a consolidated view of a business' expenses.

Using Alloy's accounting integrations you can categorize expenses and perform in-depth analysis, enabling businesses to gain actionable insights into their spend. To achieve this, you'll need access to data like accounts payable (bills) and payments.

Accounts Payable (Bills)

Learn more about building an Accounts payable workflow.


Learn more about building a payments workflow.

Wrapping up

When building an expense management feature, you can save time by using Alloy to quickly integrate with the accounting software your end users use. With these integrations, you can pull the necessary information to help businesses manage their expenses effectively.