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Version: 5.0.0

Receiving Leads Data from Targeted Ads

In this guide, we'll walk through the process of using Alloy to receive notifications and collect leads data whenever a customer engages with targeted ads on marketing platforms.

Use Case Overview

Imagine you have marketing campaigns running on various platforms, and you want to capture lead data whenever a customer interacts with your ads. This includes actions such as clicking on an ad, filling out a form, or initiating a chat. By receiving real-time notifications and automatically collecting lead data, you can promptly follow up with potential customers and nurture them through the sales funnel.

To achieve this, we'll create a workflow that integrates with advertising platforms to monitor ad engagements and capture lead information. We'll focus on Facebook Ads for this example, but the principles can be applied to other platforms supported by Alloy.

Let's get started with the setup!

Setting Up Lead Data Notifications

Create a new workflow. For the trigger, we'll select Facebook Ads as our trigger and subscribe to the "leadgen" event. This webhook trigger will send you real-time notifications of changes to your Page's Lead ads.

Next add a Stream Data connector to send over the order payload in real time to your application. You can see an example of this workflow below.

Wrapping Up

Automating lead data collection and notification processes using Alloy enables you to effectively capture and follow up with potential customers who engage with targeted ads. Here’s a summary of what we covered in this tutorial:

  • Subscribe to the leadgen event from Facebook Ads and stream that data back to yourself in realtime.

By leveraging Alloy’s capabilities, you can streamline your lead generation efforts and enhance customer engagement through targeted ad campaigns effectively.