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Version: 5.0.0

Running a Synchronous Report

In this guide, we'll cover the simple process of using Alloy to run a synchronous report and send it off to designated recipients. This functionality allows you to gather and distribute essential data efficiently.

Use Case Overview

Running a synchronous audience report involves generating a report on-demand that provides comprehensive insights into your TikTok audience. This report could include demographic data, engagement metrics, and performance analytics essential for optimizing ad campaigns and targeting strategies.

To achieve this, we'll create a workflow in Alloy that triggers the report generation from TikTok and sends it to predefined recipients via email. This streamlined process ensures that stakeholders receive actionable insights promptly.

Let's get started!

Setting Up the Workflow

For this workflow, we'll choose a Custom Event Trigger as our starting point. This will allow Alloy to map the data and take action in our commerce system.

Next we will add the TikTok Ads connector and select the "Run a synchronous report" action. Here we can define the report type and the dimensions to be included.

Lastly, add a Stream Data connector. This connector will tell Alloy where to send all the report to. Specify a destination URL of your choosing. You can see an example of this workflow below.

Wrapping Up

Running a synchronous audience report using Alloy allows you to generate comprehensive insights about your TikTok audience and distribute them efficiently to stakeholders. Here’s a summary of what we covered in this tutorial:

  • Learn how to run a report and stream that response back to your destination of choice.

By leveraging Alloy’s capabilities, you can optimize your TikTok advertising strategies and make informed decisions based on detailed audience analytics.