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Google Cloud Storage


For the credentials, you will need the following:

  1. The Project ID

  2. The Service Account Private Key JSON

How to get the Project ID

  1. Go to your Google Cloud Console's projects list.

  2. Choose the Project ID of the project where your Cloud Storage is in.

How to get the Service Account Private Key JSON

  1. If you don’t have a service account yet, create a service account following Google’s Documentation.

  2. Then follow the steps in Google’s Documentation on how to create a private key in JSON format. See sample below showing how a private key in JSON format looks like.

Configuring the Service Account

  1. Go to the Cloud Storage in your Google Cloud Console
  2. Click on your desired Bucket
  3. Then click on Permissions and click on Grant Access
  4. Input the Service Account under New Principals
  5. In the Role field, search for the roles Storage Legacy Bucket Owner and Storage Legacy Object Owner and select that. Then click on the Save button.

Complete Block Credentials

  1. Input the Project ID for your project found in the previous steps.
  2. Then copy the whole contents in the JSON file created in the previous steps into the Service Account Private Key JSON field and then click on Validate.