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SSO Configuration


Single Sign-On (SSO) allows users to access multiple applications using a single set of login credentials. RunAlloy's SAAS platform offers a comprehensive SSO feature, enabling team administrators to easily set up and manage SSO settings. This guide walks you through the process of harnessing this feature.


  1. Admin access to the RunAlloy SAAS platform.
  2. Admin access to an Identity Provider (IdP) compatible with SAML authentication.

Begin by logging in to the RunAlloy portal. From the sidebar, select the Settings menu, followed by the Securities option. Here, on the top-right corner, you'll spot the Single Sign-On box, paving the way for the next steps.

Activating SSO

Within the Single Sign-On box, click on Enable SSO. As a security measure, you'll be prompted for your admin password. Enter it and proceed by clicking Authenticate.

Configuring the Identity Provider (IdP)

Post authentication, you'll encounter the Enable SSO dialog box. Take a moment to copy the presented information; this will be essential for setting up the SSO application within your IdP. Once copied, hit Proceed.

A subsequent dialog box will request three specific details:

  • IdP Issuer
  • IdP Certificate

Retrieve these details from your IdP console and input them into the respective fields. Once filled, continue by clicking Proceed.

Finalizing the Setup

You're almost there. The concluding dialog box will showcase your Team ID and SSO URL. It's crucial to copy and store these details securely as they'll be vital for future SSO configurations or logins.

With that, your Single Sign-On setup for RunAlloy is complete.