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Using the Test Step

Each connector, be it an app-connector or trigger-connector, allows you to test the outcomes of running the connector. The test, and the sample output data it reveals, can give insight into what information is outputted by the connector and accessible as variables in subsequent connectors in the workflow.

Testing on trigger-connectors

A trigger-connector's Step 2 will pull a recent event from the app in question and return the data that is created upon said event. For example, in this case we're using a Shopify Trigger connector for when an order is paid. After clicking "Show Sample Output Data," you are able to see all the different variables you can access.

Testing on App connectors

When building a workflow with multiple connectors, you can send real actions to the respective apps. In this example, a Slack message is being sent to notify a team member of a new order.

When you hit the Get Test Data button in Step 4 (output) of a connector, real data will be sent to the app.