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Retrieve a list of workflows



Returns a list of all active parent workflows associated with your Alloy Embedded account. Note this endpoint does not return a list of workflows that the user has installed, but rather a list of all available workflows. The installed flag indicates if the user has installed a copy of the workflow but does not indicate if the user has a given workflow "active".

For each workflow, this endpoint returns the individual apps that are required as part of the workflow. Commonly used to populate data on an integrations page.


Query Parameters

    integration string

    This parameter allows you to filter workflows based on the name of the integration you're looking for. For example, if you were looking for a Shopify integration, specify shopify

    userId stringrequired

    The Id of the user you want to lookup. Returned from the Create User endpoint. Note: you can also use the Embedded user's username in this field.

Header Parameters

    Authorization stringrequired

    Default value: bearer YOUR_API_KEY






  • Array [

  • workflowId string
    integrationId string
    name string
    createdAt string
    updatedAt string
    installed boolean

    Default value: true

    active boolean

    Default value: true

    version integer

    Default value: 0

    installedVersion integer

    Default value: 0



  • Array [

  • name string
    id string
    type string
    icon string
  • ]

  • ]
