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List Accounts



Returns a list of Accounts.


Query Parameters

    credentialId stringrequired

    The ID of the credential.

    pageNumber int32

    The page number of the results. Default is 1.

    pageSize int32

    The maximum number of results to show on a page. Default is 50. Maximum is 100.

    remoteId string

    Used to filter accounts with this third-party application ID.

    accountName string

    Used to filter accounts with the exact account name.

    accountNameContains string

    Used to filter accounts whose account names contain the provided value.

    accountNameNotEquals string

    Used to filter accounts whose account name to exclude.

    accountDescriptionContains string

    Used to filter accounts whose account descriptions contain the provided value.

    classification string

    Used to filter accounts with the exact account classification.

    classificationContains string

    Used to filter accounts whose account classifications contain the provided value.

    classificationNotEquals string

    Used to filter accounts whose account classification to exclude.

    accountType string

    Used to filter accounts with the exact account type.

    accountTypeContains string

    Used to filter accounts whose account types contain the provided value.

    accountTypeNotEquals string

    Used to filter accounts whose account type to exclude.

    accountStatus string

    Used to filter accounts with the exact account status.

    accountStatusContains string

    A string used to retrieve accounts with an account status containing a specific value.

    accountStatusNotEquals string

    A string that should not match the account status of accounts to be retrieved.

    currentBalance float

    Used to filter accounts with the exact account current balance.

    currentBalanceMin float

    Used to filter accounts with the minimum account current balance.

    currentBalanceMax float

    Used to filter accounts with the maximum account current balance.

    currentBalanceNotEquals float

    Used to filter accounts with the maximum account current balance.

    currency string

    Used to filter accounts with the exact account currency.

    accountNumber string

    Used to filter accounts with the exact account number.

    accountNumberContains string

    Used to filter accounts whose account numbers contain the provided value.

    accountNumberNotEquals string

    Used to filter accounts whose account number to exclude.

    parentAccountId string

    Used to filter accounts with this parent account ID.

    companyId string

    Used to filter accounts with this company ID.

    createdAtMin date

    Filter objects created after a specified date.

    createdAtMax date

    Filter objects created before a specified date.

    updatedAtMin date

    Filter objects last updated after a specified date.

    updatedAtMax date

    Filter objects last updated before a specified date.

Header Parameters

    Authorization stringrequired

    Default value: bearer YOUR_API_KEY






  • Array [

  • remoteId string
    accountName string
    classification string
    accountType string
    accountStatus string
    currency string
    id string
    remoteDeleted boolean

    Default value: true

    createdAt string
    updatedAt string
  • ]
