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Version: 1.1.0

List of Topics

connection/createdTriggers whenever a new connection is created by an end user.N/ASystem
connection/deletedTriggers whenever a new connection is deleted by an end user.N/ASystem
connection/authentication_failureTriggers when there is an authentication failure with an existing connection.N/ASystem
sync/startedTriggers when a synchronization process is initiated.SyncSystem
sync/completedTriggers when a synchronization process is successfully completed.SyncSystem
sync/failedTriggers when a synchronization process encounters an error or fails.SyncSystem
commerce/customersTriggered whenever a new customer is created.CommerceData Changed
commerce/ordersTriggered whenever a new order is created.CommerceData Changed
accounting/companyInfoTriggers when company information is updated in the accounting system.AccountingData Changed
accounting/accountsTriggered whenever there is a change in the accounts in the accounting system.AccountingData Changed
accounting/customersTriggers when new customer information is added or updated.AccountingData Changed
accounting/taxRatesTriggered when tax rates are updated in the accounting system.AccountingData Changed
accounting/trackingCategoriesTriggers whenever there is a change in tracking categories.AccountingData Changed
accounting/vendorsTriggered whenever there is a change in vendor information.AccountingData Changed
accounting/itemsTriggers when new items or products are added or updated in the accounting system.AccountingData Changed
accounting/paymentsTriggered whenever there is a change in payment information.AccountingData Changed
accounting/purchaseOrdersTriggers when new purchase orders are created in the accounting system.AccountingData Changed
accounting/billsTriggered whenever there is a change in bill information.AccountingData Changed
accounting/invoicesTriggers when new invoices are created or updated in the accounting system.AccountingData Changed
crm/accountsTriggered when there is a change in account information in the CRM system.CRMData Changed
crm/contactsTriggers when new contacts are added or updated in the CRM system.CRMData Changed
crm/leadsTriggered when there is a change in lead information in the CRM system.CRMData Changed
crm/notesTriggers whenever there is a change in notes in the CRM system.CRMData Changed
crm/opportunitiesTriggered when new opportunities are created or updated in the CRM system.CRMData Changed
crm/stagesTriggers when there is a change in sales stages in the CRM system.CRMData Changed
crm/tasksTriggered whenever there is a change in tasks in the CRM system.CRMData Changed
crm/usersTriggers when there is a change in user information in the CRM system.CRMData Changed