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Version: 2.0.0

Rate Limits


By default, Alloy Unified API supports a rate limit of 150 requests per minute per connection. Note that this rate limit is connection based and not user based.

Our rate limit is substantially higher than if you were to build a direct integration.

Configurable Rate Limits

If you need a higher limit, get in touch with our sales team. By default, every Unified API account comes with 150 requests / minute / connection. If you require any of the higher tiers below, drop a line to our team.

Basic150 requests / minute / connection
Growth300 requests / minute / connection
Pro500 requests / minute / connection
Enterprise1000 requests / minute / connection
CustomCustomizable to your needs in excess of 1,000

How it works

Alloy Unified API maintains a real time cache of user data each time a connection is made. Learn more in this guide.

When a user initially connects to Alloy Unified API, we perform a one time historical sync to bring in all relevant data. Afterwards, we register all relevant webhooks and set up recurring polling jobs to cache data changes in real time.

This technology ensures the Unified API Cache is always up to date with your user's data. Because of this, we are able to offer blazing fast API calls that aren't limited by traditional Third Party App rate limits.

Wrapping Up

In this article, we learned how Alloy Unified API handles rate limits and the options available to meet your needs.