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Step 2: Managing SKUs for Best Buy Pickup Eligibility

In this section, you will set up Best Buy Pickup Eligibility for your SKUs. SKUs with Best Buy Pickup Eligibility set to true will allow the product variant to be picked up at Best Buy Location. You will also provide a mapping of your Shopify SKUs to Best Buy SKUs so that the order can be properly fulfilled by Best Buy.

Upload a CSV file to set Eligibility and Best Buy SKU mapping

From the Best Buy Fulfillment App homepage, click on Go to Eligibility.

In this interface, you will see all of your Shopify SKUs. At this moment none of the SKUs are eligible for Best Buy Pickup.

To manage Best Buy Pickup Eligibility, you will upload a CSV file with all of the Shopify SKUs that you agree to sell via Best Buy Partner Plus and a mapping of the corresponding Best Buy SKU.

Here is a sample of the CSV file

Once you upload the CSV file, it should look like this. SKUs Eligible for pickup will have a check under the Eligibility column and should have a corresponding Best Buy SKU.

That’s it for setting up your SKUs!