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Create Account



Create account for a specified user and credential set


Query Parameters

    credentialId stringrequired

    The ID of the credential.

Header Parameters

    Authorization stringrequired

    Default value: bearer YOUR_API_KEY


    accountName stringrequired

    The name of the account, often the business or client's name.

    accountOwner string

    The name or identifier of the individual or team responsible for managing the account.

    description string

    A brief summary or description of the account.

    industry string

    The industry sector to which the account belongs.

    website string

    The URL of the account's website.

    numberOfEmployees int32

    The number of employees in the account's organization.



    An array of address objects related to the account.

  • Array [

  • addressType string

    The type of the address (e.g., shipping, billing).

    street1 string

    The first line of the address.

    street2 string

    The second line of the address.

    city string

    The city of the address.

    state string

    The state of the address.

    countrySubdivision string

    The country subdivision of the address.

    country string

    The country of the address.

    postalCode string

    The postal/zip code of the address.

  • ]

  • phoneNumbers


    An array of phone number objects associated with the account.

  • Array [

  • phoneNumberType string

    The type of the phone number (e.g., primary, secondary).

    phoneNumber string

    The phone number.

  • ]

  • remoteFields json

    An object containing remote fields that are not supported by the common model. The keys are the names of the fields of the corresponding resource in the remote app, and the values can be strings, numbers, arrays or objects.






    website string
    industry string



  • Array [

  • country string
    street1 string
    state string
    city string
    addressType string
    postalCode string
  • ]

  • phoneNumbers


  • Array [

  • phoneNumberType string
    phoneNumber string
  • ]

  • remoteId string
    lastActivityAt string
    accountOwner string
    accountName string
    numberOfEmployees integer

    Default value: 0

    description string
    id string
    remoteCreatedAt string
    remoteUpdatedAt string
    remoteDeleted boolean

    Default value: true

    createdAt string
    updatedAt string