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Create Fulfillment



Create a fulfillment for an order for a specified user


Path Parameters

    orderId stringrequired

    The order ID of the fulfillment

Query Parameters

    credentialId stringrequired

    The ID of the credential.

Header Parameters

    Authorization stringrequired

    Default value: bearer YOUR_API_KEY


    carrier string

    Carrier company, ex "USPS", "Fedex", "UPS", "Canada Post", etc. Can be any string.

    service string

    The type of service used for shipping.

    trackingUrls string[]

    An array of tracking URLs associated with the fulfillment.

    trackingNumbers string[]

    An array of tracking numbers associated with the fulfillment.



    An array of line items associated with the fulfillment.

  • Array [

  • quantity int32

    The quantity of the line item.

    lineItemId string

    The unique identifier for the line item.

    price int32

    The price of the line item.

    title string

    The title or name of the line item.

    sku string

    The SKU (stock-keeping unit) of the line item.

    productId string

    The unique identifier for the product.

    variantId string

    The unique identifier for the product variant.

  • ]

  • remoteFields json

    An object containing remote fields that are not supported by the common model. The keys are the names of the fields of the corresponding resource in the remote app, and the values can be strings, numbers, arrays or objects.




