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Get Company Info Count



Get the total number of Company Info.


Query Parameters

    credentialId stringrequired

    The ID of the credential.

    remoteId string

    Used to filter company info with this third-party application ID.

    companyName string

    Used to filter company info with the exact company name.

    companyNameContains string

    Used to filter company info whose company names contain the provided value.

    companyNameNotEquals string

    Used to filter company info whose company name to exclude.

    companyLegalName string

    Used to filter company info with the exact company legal name.

    companyLegalNameContains string

    Used to filter company info whose company legal names contain the provided value.

    companyLegalNameNotEquals string

    Used to filter company info whose company legal name to exclude.

    taxNumber string

    Used to filter company info with the exact tax number.

    taxNumberContains string

    Used to filter company info whose tax numbers contain the provided value.

    taxNumberNotEquals string

    Used to filter company info whose tax number to exclude.

    fiscalYearEndMonth int32

    Used to filter company info with the exact month of the end of the fiscal year. Possible values: 1-12

    fiscalYearEndDay int32

    Used to filter company info with the exact day of the month of the end of the fiscal year. Possible values: 1-31

    currency string

    Used to filter company info with the exact currency.

Header Parameters

    Authorization stringrequired

    Default value: bearer YOUR_API_KEY




    count integer

    Default value: 0
