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Get Customer Count



Get the total number of customers that meet the specified criteria.


Query Parameters

    credentialId stringrequired

    The ID of the credential.

    firstName string

    A string representing the first name of a customer.

    firstNameContains string

    A string that the first name of a customer should contain.

    firstNameNotEquals string

    A string that the first name of a customer should not match.

    lastName string

    A string representing the last name of a customer.

    lastNameContains string

    A string that the last name of a customer should contain.

    lastNameNotEquals string

    A string that the last name of a customer should not match.

    remoteCreatedAtMin date

    Filter objects created in the third-party application after a specified date.

    remoteCreatedAtMax date

    Filter objects created in the third-party application before a specified date.

    remoteUpdatedAtMin date

    Filter objects last updated in the third-party application after a specified date.

    remoteUpdatedAtMax date

    Filter objects last updated in the third-party application before a specified date.

    createdAtMin date

    Filter objects created after a specified date.

    createdAtMax date

    Filter objects created before a specified date.

    updatedAtMin date

    Filter objects last updated after a specified date.

    updatedAtMax date

    Filter objects last updated before a specified date.

Header Parameters

    Authorization stringrequired

    Default value: bearer YOUR_API_KEY




    count integer

    Default value: 0
