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Get Invoice Count



Get the total number of Invoices.


Query Parameters

    credentialId stringrequired

    The ID of the credential.

    remoteId string

    Used to filter invoices with this third-party application ID.

    customerId string

    Used to filter invoices with this customer ID.

    invoiceNumber string

    Used to filter invoices with the exact invoice number.

    invoiceNumberContains string

    Used to filter invoices whose invoice numbers contain the provided value.

    invoiceNumberNotEquals string

    Used to filter invoices whose invoice number to exclude.

    issueDate date

    Used to filter invoices with the exact issue date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD

    dueDate date

    Used to filter invoices with the exact due date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD

    paidOnDate date

    Used to filter invoices with the exact paid on date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD

    memo string

    Used to filter invoices with the exact memo.

    memoContains string

    Used to filter invoices whose memos contain the provided value.

    memoNotEquals string

    Used to filter invoices whose memo to exclude.

    companyId string

    Used to filter invoices with this company ID.

    currency string

    Used to filter invoices with the exact currency.

    exchangeRate float

    Used to filter invoices with the exact exchange rate.

    totalDiscount float

    Used to filter invoices with the exact total discount.

    totalDiscountMin float

    Used to filter invoices with the minimum total discount.

    totalDiscountMax float

    Used to filter invoices with the maximum total discount.

    totalDiscountNotEquals float

    Used to filter invoices whose total discount to exclude.

    subTotal float

    Used to filter invoices with the exact subtotal.

    subTotalMin float

    Used to filter invoices with the minimum subtotal.

    subTotalMax float

    Used to filter invoices with the maximum subtotal.

    subTotalNotEquals float

    Used to filter invoices whose subtotal to exclude.

    invoiceStatus string

    Used to filter invoices with the exact invoice status.

    totalTaxAmount float

    Used to filter invoices with the exact total tax amount.

    totalTaxAmountMin float

    Used to filter invoices with the minimum total tax amount.

    totalTaxAmountMax float

    Used to filter invoices with the maximum total tax amount.

    totalTaxAmountNotEquals float

    Used to filter invoices whose total tax amount to exclude.

    totalAmount float

    Used to filter invoices with the exact total amount.

    totalAmountMin float

    Used to filter invoices with the minimum total amount.

    totalAmountMax float

    Used to filter invoices with the maximum total amount.

    totalAmountNotEquals float

    Used to filter invoices whose total amount to exclude.

    balance float

    Used to filter invoices with the exact total amount.

    balanceMin float

    Used to filter invoices with the minimum total amount.

    balanceMax float

    Used to filter invoices with the maximum total amount.

    balanceNotEquals float

    Used to filter invoices whose total amount to exclude.

    remoteCreatedAtMin date

    Filter objects created in the third-party application after a specified date.

    remoteCreatedAtMax date

    Filter objects created in the third-party application before a specified date.

    remoteUpdatedAtMin date

    Filter objects last updated in the third-party application after a specified date.

    remoteUpdatedAtMax date

    Filter objects last updated in the third-party application before a specified date.

    createdAtMin date

    Filter objects created after a specified date.

    createdAtMax date

    Filter objects created before a specified date.

    updatedAtMin date

    Filter objects last updated after a specified date.

    updatedAtMax date

    Filter objects last updated before a specified date.

Header Parameters

    Authorization stringrequired

    Default value: bearer YOUR_API_KEY




    count integer

    Default value: 0
