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Get Task Count



Get task count based on a given criteria


Query Parameters

    credentialId stringrequired

    The ID of the credential.

    taskSubject string

    Filter tasks by the exact subject line.

    taskSubjectContains string

    Filter tasks where the subject line contains the specified string.

    taskSubjectNotEquals string

    Filter tasks where the subject line is not the specified string.

    taskContent string

    Filter tasks by the exact content or description.

    taskContentContains string

    Filter tasks where the content contains the specified string.

    taskContentNotEquals string

    Filter tasks where the content is not the specified string.

    taskOwner string

    Filter tasks by the exact name of the task owner.

    taskOwnerContains string

    Filter tasks where the owner's name contains the specified string.

    taskOwnerNotEquals string

    Filter tasks where the owner's name is not the specified string.

    taskOpportunity string

    Filter tasks by the exact name or ID of the associated opportunity.

    taskOpportunityContains string

    Filter tasks where the associated opportunity's name or ID contains the specified string.

    taskOpportunityNotEquals string

    Filter tasks not associated with the specified opportunity name or ID.

    completedDate string

    Filter tasks by the exact completed date.

    completedDateContains string

    Filter tasks where the completed date contains the specified string (likely part of a date).

    completedDateNotEquals string

    Filter tasks where the completed date is not the specified date.

    dueDate string

    Filter tasks by the exact due date.

    dueDateContains string

    Filter tasks where the due date contains the specified string (likely part of a date).

    dueDateNotEquals string

    Filter tasks where the due date is not the specified date.

    taskStatus string

    Filter tasks by their exact status (e.g., Completed, In Progress).

    taskStatusContains string

    Filter tasks where the status contains the specified string.

    taskStatusNotEquals string

    Filter tasks where the status is not the specified string.

    remoteCreatedAtMin date

    Filter objects created in the third-party application after a specified date.

    remoteCreatedAtMax date

    Filter objects created in the third-party application before a specified date.

    remoteUpdatedAtMin date

    Filter objects last updated in the third-party application after a specified date.

    remoteUpdatedAtMax date

    Filter objects last updated in the third-party application before a specified date.

    createdAtMin date

    Filter objects created after a specified date.

    createdAtMax date

    Filter objects created before a specified date.

    updatedAtMin date

    Filter objects last updated after a specified date.

    updatedAtMax date

    Filter objects last updated before a specified date.

Header Parameters

    Authorization stringrequired

    Default value: bearer YOUR_API_KEY




    count integer

    Default value: 0
