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Get User Count



Get user count based on a given criteria


Query Parameters

    credentialId stringrequired

    The ID of the credential.

    userFirstName string

    Filter users by their exact first name.

    userFirstNameContains string

    Filter users where the first name contains the specified string.

    userFirstNameNotEquals string

    Filter users where the first name is not the specified string.

    userLastName string

    Filter users by their exact last name.

    userLastNameContains string

    Filter users where the last name contains the specified string.

    userLastNameNotEquals string

    Filter users where the last name is not the specified string.

    userEmail string

    Filter users by their exact email address.

    userEmailContains string

    Filter users where the email address contains the specified string.

    userEmailNotEquals string

    Filter users where the email address is not the specified string.

    isActive boolean

    Filter users based on whether they are active (true) or not (false).

    isActiveNotEquals boolean

    Filter users where the active status is not the specified boolean value.

    remoteCreatedAtMin date

    Filter objects created in the third-party application after a specified date.

    remoteCreatedAtMax date

    Filter objects created in the third-party application before a specified date.

    remoteUpdatedAtMin date

    Filter objects last updated in the third-party application after a specified date.

    remoteUpdatedAtMax date

    Filter objects last updated in the third-party application before a specified date.

    createdAtMin date

    Filter objects created after a specified date.

    createdAtMax date

    Filter objects created before a specified date.

    updatedAtMin date

    Filter objects last updated after a specified date.

    updatedAtMax date

    Filter objects last updated before a specified date.

Header Parameters

    Authorization stringrequired

    Default value: bearer YOUR_API_KEY




    count integer

    Default value: 0
