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List Notes



List notes based on a given criteria


Query Parameters

    credentialId stringrequired

    The ID of the credential.

    pageNumber string

    The page number of the results. Default is 1.

    pageSize int32

    The maximum number of results to show on a page. Default is 50. Maximum is 100.

    noteOwner string

    Filter notes by the exact name of the note owner.

    noteOwnerContains string

    Filter notes where the note owner's name contains the specified string.

    noteOwnerNotEquals string

    Filter notes where the note owner's name is not the specified string.

    noteContent string

    Filter notes by the exact content of the note.

    noteContentContains string

    Filter notes where the content contains the specified string.

    noteContentNotEquals string

    Filter notes where the content is not the specified string.

    noteContact string

    Filter notes by the exact name or ID of the associated contact.

    noteContactContains string

    Filter notes where the associated contact's name or ID contains the specified string.

    noteContactNotEquals string

    Filter notes not associated with the specified contact name or ID.

    noteAccount string

    Filter notes by the exact name or ID of the associated account.

    noteAccountContains string

    Filter notes where the associated account's name or ID contains the specified string.

    noteAccountNotEquals string

    Filter notes not associated with the specified account name or ID.

    noteOpportunity string

    Filter notes by the exact name or ID of the associated opportunity.

    noteOpportunityContains string

    Filter notes where the associated opportunity's name or ID contains the specified string.

    noteOpportunityNotEquals string

    Filter notes not associated with the specified opportunity name or ID.

    remoteCreatedAtMin date

    Filter objects created in the third-party application after a specified date.

    remoteCreatedAtMax date

    Filter objects created in the third-party application before a specified date.

    remoteUpdatedAtMin date

    Filter objects last updated in the third-party application after a specified date.

    remoteUpdatedAtMax date

    Filter objects last updated in the third-party application before a specified date.

    createdAtMin date

    Filter objects created after a specified date.

    createdAtMax date

    Filter objects created before a specified date.

    updatedAtMin date

    Filter objects last updated after a specified date.

    updatedAtMax date

    Filter objects last updated before a specified date.

Header Parameters

    Authorization stringrequired

    Default value: bearer YOUR_API_KEY






  • Array [

  • remoteId string
    noteOwner string
    noteContent string
    noteContact string
    createdTimestamp integer

    Default value: 0

    updatedTimestamp integer

    Default value: 0

    id string
  • ]

  • pageInfo


    hasNext boolean

    Default value: true
