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Update Task



Update Task


Path Parameters

    taskId stringrequired

    The item id of the task record

Query Parameters

    credentialId stringrequired

    The ID of the credential.

Header Parameters

    Authorization stringrequired

    Default value: bearer YOUR_API_KEY


    taskSubject string

    The title or subject of the task, providing a quick overview.

    taskContent string

    The detailed description or content of the task.

    taskOwner string

    The name or identifier of the individual or team responsible for completing the task.

    taskOpportunity string

    The name or identifier of the sales opportunity associated with the task.

    completedDate string

    The date on which the task was completed.

    dueDate string

    The date by which the task is expected to be completed.

    taskStatus string

    The current status of the task, such as 'Pending', 'In Progress', or 'Completed'.

    remoteFields json

    An object containing remote fields that are not supported by the common model. The keys are the names of the fields of the corresponding resource in the remote app, and the values can be strings, numbers, arrays or objects.






    id string
    remoteId string
    taskSubject string
    taskContent string
    taskOwner string
    taskOpportunity string
    dueDate string
    taskStatus string
    remoteCreatedAt string
    remoteUpdatedAt string
    remoteDeleted boolean

    Default value: true

    createdAt string
    updatedAt string